The name michael s. bud is written in black on a white background.


Original Year Completed: 2011

Separated: 2014

Dimensions: 16”h x 96”w x 16”d

Materials: Applewood, wood stain

(Abstract Oil Painting by Leena S. Bud)

A large sculpture is hanging from the ceiling in a living room

two unite
inside balance
chaos ensues

The original intention of this piece was to interpret and explore interpersonal relationships.
Partners are intertwined, and 'balanced' yet there is always a dichotomy, a contrast of the opposites.
 There is a dominant and a submissive. An aggressor and a victim.
The roles may shift, but they exist. Balance is give and take, not even-steven.
Interestingly, the natural "balance" of the sculpture forced the apparent aggressor – with teeth– to fall to the bottom and the apparent "scared" figure to float to the the top when balanced on the wire hangars.
As fate would have it—on the way back from the 2014 Westport Fine Arts Festival—Dichotomy split in two.
The were mounted separately, and although even more so diametrically opposed, they still have a balance and a connection together.
A statue of a horse 's head with its mouth open
A sculpture of a snake is on display in a parking lot
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